Privacy Policy

International Business Partners (hereinafter referred to as "our organization") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information obtained through its business activities under the Global Taste Venture (hereinafter referred to as "the business"). This policy outlines how we handle personal information, including that of seminar and event participants as well as program participants (hereinafter referred to as "personal information"). Please note that personal information related to applicants for the Global Taste Venture will be managed by Universal Dream Co., Ltd.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

Our organization will obtain personal information through legitimate means and will not acquire personal information through improper methods.

2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Our organization will comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws and guidelines pertaining to the appropriate handling of personal information.

3. Use of Personal Information

(1) Our organization will only use the personal information acquired within the scope of the intended use. If we need to use the personal information beyond the intended purpose, we will obtain prior consent from the individual.
(2) When obtaining personal information, our organization will clarify the purpose of its use in advance. If we intend to change the purpose, we will seek the consent of the individual.
(3) In the course of conducting our business, our organization may entrust the handling of personal information to third parties. In such cases, we will enter into a contract with the third party regarding the handling of personal information and supervise the proper management of personal information by the third party.

4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Our organization will use personal information for the following purposes, and only within the necessary scope to achieve these purposes:
(1) To communicate with users or provide information related to our business
(2) To implement and manage services, events, seminars, etc., requested by users
(3) To facilitate matching between users and companies with which they wish to connect
(4) To provide information related to overseas expansion support in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or affiliated organizations
(5) For other purposes explicitly stated at the time of collecting personal information

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our organization will not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent, except as required by law or when providing it to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which is the client of this business. We will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining consent from the individual.

6. Provision to Third Parties in Foreign Countries

When providing personal information to third parties in foreign countries (outside Japan), our organization will either ensure that the third party has an appropriate system in place as defined by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission or obtain the consent of the individual before providing the information.

7. Safety Management System for Personal Information

(1) Our organization will endeavor to maintain the accuracy and up-to-date status of personal information within the scope necessary for the purpose of use.
(2) Our organization will implement appropriate safety management measures to prevent the loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information.
(3) Our organization will appoint a manager responsible for overseeing the safety of personal information and ensure its secure management.
(4) Our organization will regularly review and improve its management systems and efforts to protect personal information.
(5) Our organization will provide training to employees and other staff on the protection and proper handling of personal information to ensure its appropriate management in the course of business operations.

8. Requests for Disclosure, Correction, or Suspension of Use

When we receive requests from individuals regarding the disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of their personal information, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the law.

9. Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following office:

Contact Information
Universal Dream Co., Ltd.
International Business Partners Administrative Office